Thank you for participating in our self-test.

Based on your answers, you are less likely to develop severe emphysema. However, this test should not be used to diagnose emphysema. If you are worried about severe emphysema, talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment. Your doctor will examine you closely to make a diagnosis and recommend
the most suitable treatment option for you.

If you have never smoked, your risk of developing severe emphysema will be lower. Quitting smoking can lower your risk of developing severe emphysema. Generally, non-smokers are at a lower risk.

If you currently smoke and would like help quitting, your doctor may have
a programme to help you.

For more information about COPD and severe emphysema, download our information pack by completing the form below


The package includes the following brochures:

  • The Zephyr® Valve Brochure:
    Discover a treatment option for severe emphysema
  • The Doctors’ Discussion Guide:
    Information brochure for your next visit to the doctor
  • Zephyr Valve Treatment Centres  |  UK
  • *Required