Meet Zephyr® Valves

Zephyr Valve treatment is a simple, minimally invasive procedure. The doctor uses a device called a bronchoscope to insert about four* valves1
into your airways, through your mouth or nose. The tiny valves are placed into a targeted section of the diseased lung where air has become trapped. The trapped air causes shortness of breath. The one-way valve allows the trapped air to escape, resulting in patients being able to breathe easier and experience less shortness of breath.

These valves help the healthier parts of the lung to expand. This reduces pressure on your diaphragm and helps you to breathe easier.

Want to learn more?

Hear from a Zephyr Valve treating doctor how he decides what treatment is best for patients as well as the benefits of Zephyr Valve treatment and whether it is covered on the NHS.

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*Exact number is based on physician discretion and patient anatomy.
Complications of the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve treatment can include but are not limited to pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, hemoptysis, pneumonia, dyspnea and, in rare cases, death.

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