Getting Zephyr® Valve

Is severe emphysema affecting your quality of life? If medical management has failed to improve your symptoms, Zephyr Valve treatment may help.
Find out more about severe emphysema here.

Zephyr Valve treatment is a bronchoscopic procedure where small valves are placed into your lungs. The valves allow air out, but not in. This helps the healthy parts of your lung expand, so you can breathe more easily. Zephyr Valves are covered on the NHS, but not all hospitals offer this treatment. Your doctor will be able to suggest when Zephyr Valve treatment may be suitable for you. Find out more about what your journey towards Zephyr Valve treatment might look like below.
The guides may help you speak with your doctor even if they are not familiar with Zephyr Valves.

Explore the patient pathway and find out
how you could get the treatment:

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Zephyr Valve treatment:

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