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If you answered “YES” to all questions, you are at high risk of suffering from severe emphysema.

An exact diagnosis and treatment recommendation can only be made by a specialist – talk to your doctor at your next appointment.

What is COPD?

COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — a very common condition affecting the airways. It is caused by pollutants that get into the lungs, initially blocking (obstructing) the airways as well as causing chronic inflammation. The main cause is smoking. The urge to cough caused by persistent bronchial irritation is commonly referred to as smoker’s cough. Damage to the bronchi that has become irreversible is referred to by lung specialists as a permanent obstruction to the airways, i.e., COPD.

What is emphysema?

Emphysema is a form of COPD. In severe emphysema, parts of the lungs are damaged, resulting in air becoming trapped in the lungs. The damaged parts of the lung get bigger, putting pressure on the healthy parts of the lung and the diaphragm. When that happens, it is difficult to breathe properly and take deep breaths. This continuous shortness of breath can make it difficult to perform daily activities and enjoy many aspects of life without stopping for breath, taking a break, or asking for help.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for emphysema, but the Zephyr® Valve can help patients breathe more easily, enjoy life better, and have an improved quality of life1 despite their condition.

Healthy Lung

Lung with Emphysema

“I really can breathe more easily, which also makes me feel much better.”

A patient of Dr Pallav Shah, Royal Brompton Hospital, London.

The Zephyr Valve is not another medicine, or surgery that requires cutting the skin. It is a procedure during which small valves are inserted into the airways, helping the healthy parts of the lungs to expand, thus reducing pressure on the diaphragm and making it easier for you to breathe.

Watch Keith’s Story Pre and Post Treatment

"I'm going to enjoy my family."

Keith Young was diagnosed with emphysema 32 years ago. Watch Keith’s story as he shares how he has managed the condition and how life has improved since having Zephyr valve treatment.

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Complications of the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve treatment can include but are not limited to pneumothorax, worsening of COPD symptoms, hemoptysis, pneumonia, dyspnea and, in rare cases, death.